
We are responsible for most repairs in your home and will ensure that your home is safe for you to live in.

man making repairs

Report a repair

Rooftop takes the maintenance of your home seriously. We deal with an average of 20,000 repairs a year. We will complete essential repairs to keep your home safe, sound and secure within our target timescales. Some minor repairs can be done yourself and there are some repairs that are your responsibility. Please check before contacting us.

If you do need to report a repair please contact us by telephoning 01386 420 800.

Due to an unusually high volume of requests on our repairs services we are experiencing some delays completing repairs. We apologise and are working hard to resolve this.

We have committed to publish monthly updates from May on our repairs waiting times. You can find these here.

When you phone us to report a repair we will log the information and pass on the details to our partners PPC. If it is an emergency repair, you will be visited within 24 hours. If it is a non emergency, you will be notified of an appointment time by PPC.

Repairs that Rooftop and PPC carry out include;

  • gas appliances
  • heating and hot water
  • toilets, baths, pipes and sinks
  • electrical wiring and any appliances they provide
  • common areas such as lifts and communal entrances
  • the structure and exterior of the building – including the roof, walls, windows and external doors

Emergency repairs - within 24 hours

An emergency repair is something that could cause an immediate hazard/danger to your health or others. For example: water leaks, total loss of gas or electric heating (between 1 October and 31 March), or unsafe electrical sockets and fittings.

Non-emergency repairs - up to 20 working days

These repairs are something that can be left for a while without causing too much of a disturbance or inconvenience.

Repairs that are your responsibility

If you think you or a family member will struggle to complete a repair that you are responsible for, Rooftop can do it for you but we will charge for this work, plus an administration fee on top, all of which will need to be paid for up-front.  It may be cheaper for you to find a local tradesman to do the work on your behalf.

Rooftop Housing Group don't have to fix damage caused by you or your guests. If they do repair something you've damaged, you can be charged for this. You can see our Rechargeable Repairs and Recoverable Costs policy in full here, and a table of repair responsibilities here.

Minor repairs you must complete include

  • Maintaining sheds, fences and gates
  • Replacing locks when you have lost all keys
  • Unblocking sinks, baths and toilets
  • Repairing or replacing toilet seats
  • Tightening loose waste fittings
  • Replacing sealant to baths, etc.
  • Pest control in your garden
  • Repairing TV aerials or satellite dishes
  • Radiator bleeding
  • Fixing loose kitchen drawers or doors
  • Replacing lightbulb, fuses  or resetting a tripped fuse board
  • Repairs to internal doors
  • Filling fine cracks in plaster
  • Redecoration
  • Changing doorbell batteries

Emergency repairs

An emergency repair is something that could cause danger to health, poses a risk to residents’ safety or serious damage to your or your neighbour’s property.

How long will repairs take?

Emergency repairs - within 24 hours

An emergency repair is something that could cause an immediate hazard/danger to your health or others. For example: water leaks, total loss of gas or electric heating (between 1 October and 31 March), or unsafe electrical sockets and fittings.

Non-emergency repairs - up to 20 working days

These repairs are something that can be left for a while without causing too much of a disturbance or inconvenience.

We will make sure that all our health and safety checks are on time. We will do gas safety checks, electrical safety checks, and fire safety checks. We will check smoke alarms in shared areas.

Before you move into our homes, we will make sure that you know which repairs we will do. We will make sure you know which repairs you have to do. We will make sure you know which repairs you will have to pay for.

We will make sure that you know if there is going to be any major work on your home. We will tell you at least 12 months before they start, or before you move into a new home.

We will put out our yearly list of how we are investing in the homes we own.

Repair confirmation

When you book a repair, you will get a notification to confirm the repair. This will be a text notification or a phone call from our contractors with more information about the booking.

We know that some jobs can take some time and we ask all of our contractors to get in contact with you so that you’re kept up to date with your repair.

What Rooftop means to me

"The Neighbourhood Officer was brilliant…I've just moved into this property and the services I've used have been excellent."

N Bodie


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